Bella Vista Dental Services

We hope the information found on our website is beneficial to you and acts as a tool for you to use to understand all Bella Vista Dental has to offer. All the information on our website is for you; we have listed information about our team, the different services we offer, and so much more, but this particular part is specifically for new patients. Here, you can find access to your patient portal, read our blog, learn about the financial options available to you, and learn of the special offers we give.

Access to the patient portal is easy to find and log in, and we have tried to be as transparent as possible with you about different financial plans. If you have any questions at any time, please get in touch with us. We want you to feel comfortable and confident in our dental office, so please feel free to reach out to us about any misunderstandings.

We look forward to working with you!

New Patient Specials

FREE Consultation

-Free Second Opinion

Are you uncertain of your current oral health or what can be done to reach your goals for your smile? We welcome you to come to Bella Vista Dental for a complimentary consultation with our skilled dentists. Dr. Quintanilla will be happy to consult with you on the available options for improving your oral health, function, and appearance. We invite you to contact our office today to learn more and to schedule your free consultation!

Financial Options

Our team is committed to making new patients’ experience with us a pleasant one — even including your financial options and payment process. To make your dental care at Bella Vista Dental easy and affordable, we gladly accept most major dental insurance plans, with the exception of Medicaid and Medicare. Our team is happy to file your dental insurance claims for you and process your benefits. We also offer a complimentary benefits check for new patients.

In addition, we accept the following forms of payment:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Cards
  • CareCredit®

CareCredit is a third-party dental financing option that can help you afford your dental care. We also offer LendingClub Financing, which is another outside financing option for your convenience. If you decide on a larger treatment plan, we may be able to arrange an in-office payment plan; this is determined on a case-by-case basis. For more information and to schedule an appointment with our dentists in Seguin, Texas, please contact us today. Dr. Quintanilla look forward to assisting you!

Patient Portal

Save time on your first appointment by filling out forms ahead of time.

Our dentist, Dr. Quintanilla, and our team want to make sure that your experience at our office is as convenient as possible for you. You can expedite your patient paperwork and even pay your bill through our secure patient portal. To prepare for your visit to our dental office in Seguin, Texas, please follow the links below. If you need assistance or would like to schedule your appointment at Bella Vista Dental, please do not hesitate to contact us at 830-379-8902.

If you need assistance or would like to schedule your appointment at Bella Vista Dental, please do not hesitate to contact us at 830-379-8902. If you have already set up your username and password, here is the link to access the Patient Portal: